path: root/.config/nvim/lua/plugins.lua
commit message (expand)authoragefileslines
* nvim: shed pluginsYigit Sever2021-11-081-15/+1
* nvim: migrate to gitsigns from gitgutterYigit Sever2021-11-071-3/+9
* nvim: remove abolish, small changesYigit Sever2021-11-071-3/+0
* nvim: plugin choresYigit Sever2021-10-301-5/+1
* nvim: move to new lualine forkYigit Sever2021-10-241-1/+1
* nvim: remove fern, use nvim-treeYigit Sever2021-10-191-4/+1
* nvim: remove pear tree add lua thingYigit Sever2021-10-181-2/+2
* nvim: lualine fork + indentline + rose pineYigit Sever2021-10-151-4/+5
* neovim: remove playgroundYigit Sever2021-10-131-2/+2
* nvim: tagbar -> vistaYigit Sever2021-10-121-5/+5
* neovim: big lua pushYigit Sever2021-10-111-11/+29
* nvim: portedYigit Sever2021-10-101-5/+7
* nvim: autocommandsYigit Sever2021-10-081-7/+5
* neovim: migrate to init.luaYigit Sever2021-10-081-0/+136