path: root/.config/nvim
commit message (expand)authoragefileslines
* nvim: steal some more latex snippetsYigit Sever2021-11-081-1/+1
* nvim: shed pluginsYigit Sever2021-11-082-32/+1
* nvim: steal some latex snippetsYigit Sever2021-11-082-5/+113
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'Yigit Sever2021-11-0710-19/+6
| * nvim: use efmYigit Sever2021-11-042-4/+6
| * nvim: clean up ale remainsYigit Sever2021-11-048-15/+0
* | nvim: don't add /nvim again pleaseYigit Sever2021-11-074-161/+0
* | nvim: migrate to gitsigns from gitgutterYigit Sever2021-11-073-363/+79
* | nvim: remove abolish, small changesYigit Sever2021-11-079-38/+540
* nvim: mapping fixesYigit Sever2021-11-022-7/+17
* nvim: add tex wordcount (but dont use)Yigit Sever2021-11-011-7/+14
* nvim: fix ' mappingYigit Sever2021-10-311-3/+3
* nvim: plugin choresYigit Sever2021-10-302-16/+8
* nvim: buku omnifunc bugfixYigit Sever2021-10-271-1/+1
* nvim: buku omnifuncYigit Sever2021-10-274-45/+23
* nvim: use gh for signature helpYigit Sever2021-10-251-1/+1
* nvim: add clangd to lspYigit Sever2021-10-241-1/+1
* nvim: move to new lualine forkYigit Sever2021-10-241-1/+1
* spell: trackingYigit Sever2021-10-201-0/+1
* nvim: add staleYigit Sever2021-10-192-0/+162
* nvim: remove fern, use nvim-treeYigit Sever2021-10-194-4/+76
* nvim, snippets: new spotlight snippetYigit Sever2021-10-181-0/+4
* nvim: remove pear tree add lua thingYigit Sever2021-10-182-2/+27
* nvim, indent_blankline: exclude man pagesYigit Sever2021-10-181-1/+1
* nvim: lualine fork + indentline + rose pineYigit Sever2021-10-155-17/+53
* nvim: no more ~/.vim reallyYigit Sever2021-10-141-1/+1
* nvim: no more ~/.vimYigit Sever2021-10-141-1/+0
* nvim: snippets to correct placeYigit Sever2021-10-145-0/+56
* nvim: fix mapping clashYigit Sever2021-10-131-1/+0
* neovim: treesitter <3 ledgerYigit Sever2021-10-131-0/+2
* neovim: remove playgroundYigit Sever2021-10-131-2/+2
* nvim: daily loveYigit Sever2021-10-124-8/+36
* nvim: tagbar -> vistaYigit Sever2021-10-123-5/+12
* neovim: include very important catYigit Sever2021-10-121-0/+13
* nvim: new %% mapping and lcdYigit Sever2021-10-111-1/+3
* neovim: lualine spell blockYigit Sever2021-10-111-2/+12
* neomutt: xyz to com and tmpYigit Sever2021-10-111-0/+2
* neovim: big lua pushYigit Sever2021-10-116-33/+184
* nvim: portedYigit Sever2021-10-106-43/+131
* nvim: ported wiki functionsYigit Sever2021-10-085-9/+72
* nvim: autocommandsYigit Sever2021-10-085-8/+116
* nvim: load plugins firstYigit Sever2021-10-081-1/+1
* neovim: migrate to init.luaYigit Sever2021-10-086-607/+513
* neovim: tracking ftpluginsYigit Sever2021-10-084-0/+6
* nvim: gutentags & vim-slimeYigit Sever2021-10-061-2/+25
* nvim: cleanupYigit Sever2021-10-061-20/+6
* nvim: ft plugins kitty & i3configYigit Sever2021-10-061-1/+4
* nvim: fzf.vim bindingsYigit Sever2021-10-061-0/+7
* nvim: higlighted yankYigit Sever2021-10-061-8/+3
* nvim: turkify suiteYigit Sever2021-10-061-1/+21