path: root/site/content
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authorYigit Sever2021-04-16 16:54:47 +0300
committerYigit Sever2021-04-16 16:54:47 +0300
commit2290f13c857882ded47d8b33cb8ede40b1dabeb9 (patch)
tree38e62c1c760a97e99c5861edde9a843f040af884 /site/content
parent58695cfc873693b41ecdc4d7f2df317f5ebd3cd3 (diff)
Last minute changes
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1 files changed, 14 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/site/content/_index.md b/site/content/_index.md
index 356a615..40b18fe 100644
--- a/site/content/_index.md
+++ b/site/content/_index.md
@@ -31,32 +31,31 @@ There is a bank! Their public key is `314159265358979323846264338327950288419716
31The first transactions of a block is called the `coinbase`. They are the **author** of the block proposal and if the block is accepted then they get compensated for their efforts with some Gradecoin. 31The first transactions of a block is called the `coinbase`. They are the **author** of the block proposal and if the block is accepted then they get compensated for their efforts with some Gradecoin.
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33# Public Key Signatures 33# Public Key Signatures
34Gradecoin uses 2048 bit RSA keyspairs. 34Gradecoin uses 2048 bit RSA keypairs.
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36# Services 36# Services
37## /register 37## /register
38- Student creates their own 2048 bit RSA `keypair` 38-Create your own 2048 bit RSA `keypair`
39- Downloads `Gradecoin`'s Public Key from [Moodle](https://odtuclass.metu.edu.tr/my/) 39- Download `Gradecoin`'s Public Key from [Moodle](https://odtuclass.metu.edu.tr/my/)
40- Encrypts their [JSON](https://www.json.org/json-en.html) wrapped `Public Key`, `Student ID` and one time `passwd` using Gradecoin's Public Key 40- Encrypt your [JSON](https://www.json.org/json-en.html) wrapped `Public Key`, `Student ID` and one time `passwd` using Gradecoin's Public Key
41- Their public key is now in our database and can be used to sign their JWT's during requests 41- Your public key is now in our database and can be used to sign your JWT's during requests
42- For more information, check our [register](@/register_docs.md) page. 42- For more information, check the [register](@/register_docs.md) page
43 43
44## /transaction 44## /transaction
45- You can offer a [Transaction](@/transaction_docs.md) - POST request 45- You can offer a [Transaction](@/transaction_docs.md) with a POST request
46 - The request should have `Authorization` 46 - The request should have `Authorization`
47 - The request header should be signed by the Public Key of the `by` field in the transaction 47 - The request header should be signed by the Public Key of the `by` field in the transaction
48- fetch the list of `Transaction`s - GET request 48- Fetch the list of `Transaction`s with a GET request
49- For more information, check our [transaction](@/transaction_docs.md) page. 49- For more information, check our [transaction](@/transaction_docs.md) page
51 50
52## /block 51## /block
53- offer a [Block](@/block_docs.md) - POST request 52- Offer a [Block](@/block_docs.md) with a POST request
54 - The request should have `Authorization` 53 - The request should have `Authorization`
55 - The [`schema::Block::transaction_list`] of the block should be a subset of [`schema::Db::pending_transactions`] 54 - The `transaction_list` of the block should be a subset of pending transactions, available on [/transaction](/transaction)
56- fetch the last accepted [`schema::Block`] - GET request 55- Fetch the last accepted `Block` with a GET request
57- For more information, check our [block](@/block_docs.md) page. 56- For more information, check our [block](@/block_docs.md) page
58 57
59`Authorization`: The request header should have Bearer JWT.Token signed with Student Public Key 58 `Authorization`: The request header should have Bearer JWT.Token signed with Student Public Key
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61# Questions 60# Questions
62## This all sound complicated! 61## This all sound complicated!