path: root/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/lsp.lua
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* nvim: lazy load bunch of pluginsYigit Sever2024-10-101-0/+2
* nvim: update tsserver lsp nameYigit Sever2024-10-011-1/+1
* nvim: remove vale and ltex, use harper-lsYigit Sever2024-09-041-34/+31
* nvim: migrate to rustaceanvimYigit Sever2024-09-021-27/+13
* nvim: add ltex fts explicitlyYigit Sever2024-08-201-1/+2
* nvim: lsp add many lang serversYigit Sever2024-08-201-0/+10
* nvim: add vale.nvim pluginYigit Sever2024-08-201-0/+9
* nvim: replave neodev with lazydevYigit Sever2024-06-091-4/+4
* nvim: switch to vim-snippets luasnip forkYigit Sever2024-02-091-3/+0
* nvim: lua formattingYigit Sever2024-02-091-4/+4
* nvim: update fidget configYigit Sever2024-01-011-4/+10
* nvim: update indent blanklineYigit Sever2023-12-061-1/+0
* nvim: working ruff + black with pylspYigit Sever2023-09-131-13/+6
* nvim: remove mason.nvimYigit Sever2023-09-131-15/+0
* nvim: add pkgbuild_language_serverYigit Sever2023-08-261-0/+3
* nvim: nvim-ufo, bunch of fixesYigit Sever2023-08-201-16/+2
* nvim: switch to lazy.nvimYigit Sever2023-08-181-0/+236