import ot from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize from lapjv import lapjv from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.metrics import euclidean_distances from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed from sklearn.utils import check_array from sklearn.metrics.scorer import check_scoring from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool from sklearn.metrics import euclidean_distances import numpy as np class Wasserstein_Matcher(KNeighborsClassifier): """ Implements a nearest neighbors classifier for input distributions using the Wasserstein distance as metric. Source and target distributions are l_1 normalized before computing the Wasserstein distance. Wasserstein is parametrized by the distances between the individual points of the distributions. """ def __init__(self, W_embed, n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=1, verbose=False, sinkhorn= False, sinkhorn_reg=0.1): """ Initialization of the class. Arguments --------- W_embed: embeddings of the words, np.array verbose: True/False """ self.sinkhorn = sinkhorn self.sinkhorn_reg = sinkhorn_reg self.W_embed = W_embed self.verbose = verbose super(Wasserstein_Matcher, self).__init__(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, n_jobs=n_jobs, metric='precomputed', algorithm='brute') def _wmd(self, i, row, X_train): union_idx = np.union1d(X_train[i].indices, row.indices) W_minimal = self.W_embed[union_idx] W_dist = euclidean_distances(W_minimal) bow_i = X_train[i, union_idx].A.ravel() bow_j = row[:, union_idx].A.ravel() if self.sinkhorn: return ot.sinkhorn2(bow_i, bow_j, W_dist, self.sinkhorn_reg, numItermax=50, method='sinkhorn_stabilized',)[0] else: return ot.emd2(bow_i, bow_j, W_dist) def _wmd_row(self, row): X_train = self._fit_X n_samples_train = X_train.shape[0] return [self._wmd(i, row, X_train) for i in range(n_samples_train)] def _pairwise_wmd(self, X_test, X_train=None): n_samples_test = X_test.shape[0] if X_train is None: X_train = self._fit_X pool = Pool(nodes=self.n_jobs) # Parallelization of the calculation of the distances dist =, X_test) return np.array(dist) def fit(self, X, y): # X_train_idf X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', copy=True) # check if array is sparse X = normalize(X, norm='l1', copy=False) return super(Wasserstein_Matcher, self).fit(X, y) # X_train_idf, np_ones(document collection size) def predict(self, X): X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', copy=True) X = normalize(X, norm='l1', copy=False) dist = self._pairwise_wmd(X) dist = dist * 1000 # for lapjv, small floating point numbers are evil return super(Wasserstein_Matcher, self).predict(dist) def kneighbors(self, X, n_neighbors=1): # X : X_train_idf X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', copy=True) X = normalize(X, norm='l1', copy=False) dist = self._pairwise_wmd(X) dist = dist * 1000 # for lapjv, small floating point numbers are evil return lapjv(dist) # and here is the matching part class Wasserstein_Retriever(KNeighborsClassifier): """ Implements a nearest neighbors classifier for input distributions using the Wasserstein distance as metric. Source and target distributions are l_1 normalized before computing the Wasserstein distance. Wasserstein is parametrized by the distances between the individual points of the distributions. """ def __init__(self, W_embed, n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=1, verbose=False, sinkhorn= False, sinkhorn_reg=0.1): """ Initialization of the class. Arguments --------- W_embed: embeddings of the words, np.array verbose: True/False """ self.sinkhorn = sinkhorn self.sinkhorn_reg = sinkhorn_reg self.W_embed = W_embed self.verbose = verbose super(Wasserstein_Retriever, self).__init__(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, n_jobs=n_jobs, metric='precomputed', algorithm='brute') def _wmd(self, i, row, X_train): union_idx = np.union1d(X_train[i].indices, row.indices) W_minimal = self.W_embed[union_idx] W_dist = euclidean_distances(W_minimal) bow_i = X_train[i, union_idx].A.ravel() bow_j = row[:, union_idx].A.ravel() if self.sinkhorn: return ot.sinkhorn2(bow_i, bow_j, W_dist, self.sinkhorn_reg, numItermax=50, method='sinkhorn_stabilized',)[0] else: return ot.emd2(bow_i, bow_j, W_dist) def _wmd_row(self, row): X_train = self._fit_X n_samples_train = X_train.shape[0] return [self._wmd(i, row, X_train) for i in range(n_samples_train)] def _pairwise_wmd(self, X_test, X_train=None): n_samples_test = X_test.shape[0] if X_train is None: X_train = self._fit_X pool = Pool(nodes=self.n_jobs) # Parallelization of the calculation of the distances dist =, X_test) return np.array(dist) def fit(self, X, y): X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', copy=True) X = normalize(X, norm='l1', copy=False) return super(Wasserstein_Retriever, self).fit(X, y) def predict(self, X): X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', copy=True) X = normalize(X, norm='l1', copy=False) dist = self._pairwise_wmd(X) return super(Wasserstein_Retriever, self).predict(dist) def kneighbors(self, X, n_neighbors=1): X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', copy=True) X = normalize(X, norm='l1', copy=False) dist = self._pairwise_wmd(X) return super(Wasserstein_Retriever, self).kneighbors(dist, n_neighbors)