use warp::{Filter, Rejection, Reply}; use crate::custom_filters; use crate::handlers; use gradecoin::schema::Db; /// Root, all routes combined pub fn consensus_routes(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { transaction_list(db.clone()) .or(register_user(db.clone())) .or(transaction_propose(db.clone())) .or(block_propose(db.clone())) .or(block_list(db.clone())) } /// POST /register warp route pub fn register_user(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("register") .and(warp::post()) .and(custom_filters::auth_request_json_body()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::authenticate_user) } /// GET /transaction warp route pub fn transaction_list(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("transaction") .and(warp::get()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::list_transactions) } /// GET /block warp route pub fn block_list(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("block") .and(warp::get()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::list_blocks) } /// POST /transaction warp route pub fn transaction_propose(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("transaction") .and(warp::post()) .and(custom_filters::transaction_json_body()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::propose_transaction) } /// POST /block warp route pub fn block_propose(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("block") .and(warp::post()) .and(custom_filters::block_json_body()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::propose_block) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; // use chrono::prelude::*; // use parking_lot::RwLock; // use std::sync::Arc; use warp::http::StatusCode; use gradecoin::schema::{create_database, AuthRequest, Block, Transaction}; /// Create a mock database to be used in tests fn mocked_db() -> Db { let db = create_database(); db.pending_transactions.write().insert( "hash_value".to_owned(), Transaction { source: "source_account".to_owned(), target: "target_account".to_owned(), amount: 20, timestamp: chrono::NaiveDate::from_ymd(2021, 04, 09).and_hms(1, 30, 30), }, ); *db.blockchain.write() = Block { transaction_list: vec![ "old_transaction_hash_1".to_owned(), "old_transaction_hash_2".to_owned(), "old_transaction_hash_3".to_owned(), ], nonce: 0, timestamp: chrono::NaiveDate::from_ymd(2021, 04, 08).and_hms(12, 30, 30), hash: "not_a_thing_yet".to_owned(), }; db } /// Create a mock user that is allowed to be in gradecoin to be used in tests fn priviliged_mocked_user() -> AuthRequest { AuthRequest { student_id: String::from("e254275"), public_key: "NOT IMPLEMENTED".to_owned(), } } /// Create a mock user that is NOT allowed to be in gradecoin to be used in tests fn unpriviliged_mocked_user() -> AuthRequest { AuthRequest { student_id: String::from("foobarbaz"), public_key: "NOT IMPLEMENTED".to_owned(), } } /// Create a mock transaction to be used in tests fn mocked_transaction() -> Transaction { Transaction { source: "mock_transaction_source".to_owned(), target: "mock_transaction_target".to_owned(), amount: 25, timestamp: chrono::NaiveDate::from_ymd(2021, 04, 09).and_hms(14, 30, 00), } } /// Create a mock block with a correct mined hash to be used in tests fn mocked_block() -> Block { Block { transaction_list: vec!["hash_value".to_owned()], nonce: 560108, timestamp: chrono::NaiveDate::from_ymd(2021, 04, 08).and_hms(12, 30, 30), hash: "c7d053f3e5b056ba948db3f5c0d30408fb0c29a328a0c3c1cf435fb68d700000".to_owned(), } } /// Create a mock block with a wrong hash and nonce fn mocked_wrong_block() -> Block { Block { transaction_list: vec!["foobarbaz".to_owned(), "dazsaz".to_owned()], nonce: 1000, // can you imagine timestamp: chrono::NaiveDate::from_ymd(2021, 04, 12).and_hms(05, 29, 30), hash: "tnarstnarsuthnarsthlarjstk".to_owned(), } } /// Test simple GET request to /transaction, resource that exists /// /// We should get the only pending transaction available in the database as json #[tokio::test] async fn get_pending_transactions() { let db = mocked_db(); let reply = consensus_routes(db); let res = warp::test::request() .method("GET") .path("/transaction") .reply(&reply) .await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); let expected_json_body = r#"[{"source":"source_account","target":"target_account","amount":20,"timestamp":"2021-04-09T01:30:30"}]"#; assert_eq!(res.body(), expected_json_body); } /// Test simple GET request to /block, resource that exists /// /// Should return the single block available in the database as json #[tokio::test] async fn get_blockchain() { let db = mocked_db(); let filter = consensus_routes(db); let res = warp::test::request() .method("GET") .path("/block") .reply(&filter) .await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); let expected_json_body = r#"{"transaction_list":["old_transaction_hash_1","old_transaction_hash_2","old_transaction_hash_3"],"nonce":0,"timestamp":"2021-04-08T12:30:30","hash":"not_a_thing_yet"}"#; assert_eq!(res.body(), expected_json_body); } /// Test a simple GET request to a nonexisting path /// /// Should respond with 404 and stop #[tokio::test] async fn get_nonexisting_path_404() { let db = mocked_db(); let filter = consensus_routes(db); let res = warp::test::request() .method("GET") .path("/this_path_does_not_exist") .reply(&filter) .await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND); } /// Test a POST request to /transaction, a resource that exists /// /// Should accept the json request, create /// the transaction and add it to pending transactions in the db #[tokio::test] async fn post_json_201() { let db = mocked_db(); let filter = consensus_routes(db.clone()); let res = warp::test::request() .method("POST") .json(&mocked_transaction()) .path("/transaction") .reply(&filter) .await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::CREATED); assert_eq!(, 2); } /// Test a POST request to /block, a resource that exists /// /// Should accept the json request, create /// the block #[tokio::test] async fn post_block_201() { let db = mocked_db(); let filter = consensus_routes(db.clone()); let res = warp::test::request() .method("POST") .json(&mocked_block()) .path("/block") .reply(&filter) .await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::CREATED); assert_eq!( *, "c7d053f3e5b056ba948db3f5c0d30408fb0c29a328a0c3c1cf435fb68d700000".to_owned() ); } /// Test a POST request to /block, a resource that exists /// /// Should reject the block because of the wrong hash #[tokio::test] async fn post_block_wrong_hash() { let db = mocked_db(); let filter = consensus_routes(db.clone()); let res = warp::test::request() .method("POST") .json(&mocked_wrong_block()) .path("/block") .reply(&filter) .await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } /// Test a POST request to /register, an endpoint that exists /// /// Should accept the json request, create a new user and /// add it to the user hashmap in the db #[tokio::test] async fn post_register_priviliged_user() { let db = mocked_db(); let filter = consensus_routes(db.clone()); let res = warp::test::request() .method("POST") .json(&priviliged_mocked_user()) .path("/register") .reply(&filter) .await; println!("{:?}", res.body()); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::CREATED); assert_eq!(, 1); } /// Test a POST request to /transaction, an endpoint that exists /// /// Should NOT accept the json request as the user is unpriviliged #[tokio::test] async fn post_register_unpriviliged_user() { let db = mocked_db(); let filter = consensus_routes(db.clone()); let res = warp::test::request() .method("POST") .json(&unpriviliged_mocked_user()) .path("/register") .reply(&filter) .await; println!("{:?}", res.body()); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); assert_eq!(, 0); } /// Test a POST request to /transaction, a resource that exists with a longer than expected /// payload /// /// Should return 413 to user #[tokio::test] async fn post_too_long_content_413() { let db = mocked_db(); let filter = consensus_routes(db); let res = warp::test::request() .method("POST") .header("content-length", 1024 * 36) .path("/transaction") .reply(&filter) .await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE); } } // TODO: POST block without correct transactions test <09-04-21, yigit> // // TODO: POST transaction while that source has pending transaction test <09-04-21, yigit> //