//! # Endpoints and their construction // use crate::custom_filters; use crate::handlers; use crate::Db; use warp::{Filter, filters::BoxedFilter, Rejection, Reply}; use log::{info}; /// Every route combined for a single network pub fn network(db: Db) -> BoxedFilter<(impl Reply,)> { let url_prefix = db.config.url_prefix.clone(); info!("{} will be served at endpoint /{}", db.config.name, url_prefix); let root = if url_prefix.is_empty() { // warp::path does not like empty url_prefix // We need to handle this case separately warp::any().boxed() } else { warp::path(url_prefix).boxed() }; root.and( transaction_list(db.clone()) .or(register_user(db.clone())) .or(auth_transaction_propose(db.clone())) .or(auth_block_propose(db.clone())) .or(list_users(db.clone())) .or(block_list(db)) ) .boxed() } /// GET /user warp route pub fn list_users(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("user") .and(warp::get()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::user_list_handler) } /// POST /register warp route pub fn register_user(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("register") .and(warp::post()) .and(custom_filters::auth_request_json_body()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::authenticate_user) } /// GET /transaction warp route pub fn transaction_list(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("transaction") .and(warp::get()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::list_transactions) } /// GET /block warp route pub fn block_list(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("block") .and(warp::get()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::list_blocks) } /// POST /transaction warp route pub fn auth_transaction_propose( db: Db, ) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("transaction") .and(warp::post()) .and(custom_filters::transaction_json_body()) .and(custom_filters::auth_header()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::propose_transaction) } /// POST /block warp route pub fn auth_block_propose(db: Db) -> impl Filter + Clone { warp::path!("block") .and(warp::post()) .and(custom_filters::block_json_body()) .and(custom_filters::auth_header()) .and(custom_filters::with_db(db)) .and_then(handlers::propose_block) }