Transaction documentation

A transaction request between source and target to move amount Gradecoin.



A HTTP GET request to /transaction endpoint will return the current list of pending transactions.


A HTTP POST request with Authorization using JWT to /transaction will allow you to propose your own transactions.


by: Fingerprint
source: Fingerprint
target: Fingerprint
amount: unsigned 16 bit integer
timestamp: ISO 8601 <date>T<time>


tha field in jwt documentation in fact stands for "The Hash", in the case of a post request for a transaction, you need the Md5 hash of the serialized JSON representation of transaction.


There is a bank account with Fingerprint 31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923

First 64 digits of Pi

This is the only account that will let you withdraw from them.

by: this has to be your Fingerprint
source: this can be either you or the bank
target: this can be a valid fingerprint or yourself if source is the bank