--JSON Web Tokens are representations of claims, or authorization proofs that fit into the
of HTTP requests.
-JWTs are used as the MAC of operations that require authorization:
- block proposal -
- transaction proposal. -
They are send alongside the JSON request body in the Header
-Authorization: Bearer aaaaaa.bbbbbb.ccccc
-Gradecoin uses 3 fields for the JWTs;
-"tha": "Hash of the payload, check invididual references",
-"iat": "Issued At, Unix Time",
-"exp": "Expiration Time, epoch"
is explained in blocks and transactions documentations.
when the JWT was created in Unix Time format
when the JWT will expire & be rejected in Unix Time
-We are using RS256, RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256
. The JWTs you encode with your private RSA key will be decoded using the public key you have authenticated with. You can see how the process works here.