+++ title = "Misc" description = "Documentation about everything else" weight = 10 +++ # Fingerprint ## Definition A fingerprint is a 256 bit 64 character hexadecimal user identifier for users. Fingerprints are used in defining users in [transactions](@/transaction_docs.md) and [blocks](@/block_docs.md). ## Fingerprint Generation A user's finger print is generated via applying SHA256 sum of the user's public RSA key. # Config The [/config](/config) endpoint will return the current parameters that Gradecoin uses. - `name`: Name of this Gradecoin network. - `url_prefix`: URL prefix for the network. All API commands will be served under this prefix. - For example, if url_prefix is `example`, register at `gradecoin.xyz/example/register`. - It can be empty, in which case the endpoints are accessed directly from `/`. Example: `gradecoin.xyz/register`. - `preapproved_users`: The name of the CSV file that contains the list of users who can register. This doesn't concern you as an end-user. - `block_transaction_count`: A valid block should have at least this many transactions. - `hash_zeros`: Determines the number of zero hexadecimal characters a correct hash should start with. - `register_bonus`: Initial registration bonus. This will determine your balance after registration. - `block_reward`: Coinbase reward. When a block is proposed successfully and added to ledger, the proposer will gain this amount of coins. - `tx_upper_limit`: Upper limit for transaction amount. - `tx_lower_limit`: Lower limit for transaction amount. - `tx_traffic_reward`: Transaction traffic reward, used to incentivize users to make transactions. When an account sends money, it will receive this reward. - `bots`: The configuration of the bots in this network. - Each key will be the fingerprint of a bot. - Each value will be another JSON object. Currently, it only contains one self-explanatory field: `starting_balance`.