#!/bin/sh # # ~/.xsession # # Executed by xdm/gdm/kdm at login # # disable screensaver, beep and power saving xset -dpms & xset s off & xset -b & # start the network manager, useful for vpns, not on work though nm-applet & # removable media udiskie --automount --file-manager pcmanfm --tray --notify & # set the wallpaper and other visuals ~/.fehbg & compton -b & xsettingsd & redshift-gtk & # utilities nextcloud & copyq & #conky --daemonize -c ~/.config/conky/conky.conf & #conky --daemonize -c ~/.config/conky/task.conf & unclutter --timeout 3 --jitter 3 -b & # keyboard with alt+shift us,tr switch, map escape to capslock setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us,us,tr -variant ,colemak, -option grp:alt_shift_toggle,caps:backspace & xcape -e 'Control_L=Escape' # bind the local port to overseer ssh -N -f -L overseer