return { { "numToStr/Comment.nvim", lazy = false, opts = {}, }, { "godlygeek/tabular", lazy = false, }, { "matze/vim-move" }, { "ggandor/leap.nvim", lazy = false, init = function() local map = require("helpers.keys").map map({ "n", "v" }, '`', '<Plug>(leap-forward)', "leap forward") map({ "n", "v" }, '<Leader>`', '<Plug>(leap-backward)', "leap backward") end, opts = { case_insensitive = true, substitute_chars = { ['\r'] = '¬' } } }, { "wellle/targets.vim" }, { "monaqa/dial.nvim", init = function() local augend = require("dial.augend") require("dial.config").augends:register_group { -- default augends used when no group name is specified default = { augend.integer.alias.decimal, -- nonnegative decimal number (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) augend.integer.alias.hex, -- nonnegative hex number (0x01, 0x1a1f, etc.)["%Y/%m/%d"], -- date (2022/02/19, etc.)["%Y-%m-%d"], augend.semver.alias.semver, { elements = { "and", "or" }, word = true, -- if false, "sand" is incremented into "sor", "doctor" into "doctand", etc. cyclic = true, -- "or" is incremented into "and". }, { elements = { "&&", "||" }, word = false, cyclic = true, }, }, } local map = require("helpers.keys").map map("n", "<C-a>", require("").inc_normal(), "dial: increment") map("n", "<C-x>", require("").dec_normal(), "dial: decrement") map("v", "<C-a>", require("").inc_visual(), "dial: visual increment") map("v", "<C-x>", require("").dec_visual(), "dial: visual decrement") end, }, { "kylechui/nvim-surround", version = "*", -- Use for stability; omit to use `main` branch for the latest features event = "VeryLazy", config = function() require("nvim-surround").setup({}) end }, { "windwp/nvim-autopairs", event = "InsertEnter", opts = { disable_filetype = { "TelescopePrompt" }, }, init = function() local Rule = require('nvim-autopairs.rule') local npairs = require('nvim-autopairs') npairs.add_rule(Rule('%"', '%"', "remind")) end }, { "brenoprata10/nvim-highlight-colors", event = { "BufReadPost", "VeryLazy" }, config = function() require('nvim-highlight-colors').setup({}) end } }