-- ┌──────────────────┐ -- │ ▗ │ -- │▛▀▖▞▀▖▞▀▖▌ ▌▄ ▛▚▀▖│ -- │▌ ▌▛▀ ▌ ▌▐▐ ▐ ▌▐ ▌│ -- │▘ ▘▝▀▘▝▀ ▘ ▀▘▘▝ ▘│ -- └──────────────────┘ -- ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐ -- │ ▜ ▐ ▐ ▗ │ -- │▛▀▖▐ ▌ ▌▞▀▌▗▖▖▞▀▘▞▀▖▜▀ ▜▀ ▄ ▛▀▖▞▀▌▞▀▘│ -- │▙▄▘▐ ▌ ▌▚▄▌▘▝ ▝▀▖▛▀ ▐ ▖▐ ▖▐ ▌ ▌▚▄▌▝▀▖│ -- │▌ ▘▝▀▘▗▄▘ ▀▀ ▝▀▘ ▀ ▀ ▀▘▘ ▘▗▄▘▀▀ │ -- └─────────────────────────────────────┘ local g = vim.g -- global for let options local opt = vim.opt -- convenient :set local cmd = vim.cmd -- vim commands -- vimwiki {{{ -- g.vimwiki_list = { { path = '/home/yigit/nextcloud/personal_wiki/text', path_html = '/home/yigit/nextcloud/personal_wiki/html', auto_generate_tags = 1, automatic_nested_syntaxes = 1, template_path = '/home/yigit/nextcloud/personal_wiki/templates', template_default = 'default_template', template_ext = '.html', auto_export = 1, auto_tags = 1 } } g.vimwiki_global_ext = 0 g.vimwiki_hl_headers = 1 -- }}} vimwiki -- -- lualine {{{ -- require'lualine'.setup { options = { lower = true, icons_enabled = true, theme = 'rose-pine', section_separators = {'', ''}, component_separators = {'', ''}, disabled_filetypes = {} }, sections = { lualine_a = {{'mode', lower = true}}, lualine_b = {'branch', 'diff'}, lualine_c = {'filename'}, lualine_x = {'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype'}, lualine_y = {'progress'}, lualine_z = { 'location', { 'diagnostics', sources = {'ale'}, sections = {'error', 'warn', 'info', 'hint'}, symbols = {error = 'e', warn = 'w', info = 'i', hint = 'h'} } } }, inactive_sections = { lualine_a = {}, lualine_b = {}, lualine_c = {'filename'}, lualine_x = {}, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {} }, tabline = {}, extensions = {} } -- }}} requi -- -- Cutlass suite {{{1 -- -- cutlass/yoink/subverse suite g.yoinkIncludeDeleteOperations = 1 -- fix the Target STRING not available g.clipboard = { name = 'xsel_override', copy = { ['+'] = 'xsel --input --clipboard', ['*'] = 'xsel --input --primary', }, paste = { ['+'] = 'xsel --output --clipboard', ['*'] = 'xsel --output --primary', }, cache_enabled = 1, } -- 1}}} -- -- UltiSnips {{{ -- opt.runtimepath:append('/home/yigit/.vim/my-snippets/') g.UltiSnipsEditSplit = "vertical" -- ctrl + l expands the snippet, c + j/k navigates placeholders g.UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = "" g.UltiSnipsEnableSnipMate = "1" -- }}} UltiSnips -- -- float preview g["float_preview#docked"] = 0 -- highlight on yank cmd('highlight HighlightedyankRegion cterm=reverse gui=reverse') g.highlightedyank_highlight_duration = 200 -- beacon {{{ -- g.beacon_size = 100 g.beacon_shrink = 1 cmd('highlight Beacon guibg=red ctermbg=15') -- }}} beacon -- -- vim-slime {{{ -- g.slime_target = "tmux" g.slime_paste_file = "/home/yigit/.slime_paste" -- g.slime_default_config = {socket_name = get(split($TMUX, ","), 0), target_pane = "{last}"} -- }}} vim-slime -- -- vimtex {{{ -- g.vimtex_view_method = 'zathura' g.vimtex_quickfix_mode = 0 -- }}} vimtex --