setl spell setl omnifunc=mailcomplete#Complete function! s:OnExit(job_id, code, event) dict if a:code == 0 " NeoMutt successfully sent the mail. Get rid of the terminal buffer and window. " We can't use plain `bd!` because the terminal window may no longer have focus. execute 'bd!' s:bufnr " Quit if we succeeded in sending the email and there's only one buffer left. if len(getbufinfo({'buflisted': 1})) == 1 quit endif else " We didn't send the mail. Go back to the buffer with the message. FIXME: we " probably shouldn't rely on a [plugin][1]. execute 'Bd!' s:bufnr endif endfunction " [1]: " [2]: " [3]: " [4]: " [5]: function! s:SendMail() let l:message_file = expand('%') if l:message_file != '' update else " Cope with the buffer not having an associated file. TODO: delete this file if we " succeed in sending the mail? let l:message_file = system('mktemp') execute 'w!' l:message_file endif enew " Tell NeoMutt to use `true` as the editor. This makes it show the compose menu " directly instead of starting Vim inside of Vim. Also don't use the curses pinentry " program. There seem to be some issues when using it from NeoMutt inside Vim inside " screen(1). call termopen('VISUAL=true PINENTRY_USER_DATA=gtk neomutt ' . \ "-e 'set postpone=no sidebar_visible=no assumed_charset=utf-8' " . \ "-H " . l:message_file, {'on_exit': function('s:OnExit')}) let s:bufnr = bufnr('%') startinsert endfunction nnoremap :call SendMail() nnoremap f gg/From::nohlsearch4lC: nnoremap t gg/To::nohlsearch2lC: nnoremap c gg/Cc::nohlsearch2lC: nnoremap b gg/Bcc::nohlsearch3lC: nnoremap s gg/Subject::nohlsearch7lC: