From c2c54ed574d00d96a772e096abdfa2da3b60fdd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yigit Sever
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 11:06:19 +0200
Subject: hypr: start tracking
.config/hypr/conf/autostart.conf | 39 ++
.config/hypr/conf/keybinds.conf | 94 ++++
.config/hypr/conf/monitor.conf | 5 +
.../hypr/conf/sound_brightness_notifications.conf | 9 +
.config/hypr/conf/windowrules.conf | 67 +++
.config/hypr/hyprland.conf | 122 +++++
.config/hypr/hyprlock.conf | 88 ++++
.config/hypr/hyprpaper.conf | 5 +
.config/hypr/hyprshade.toml | 4 +
.config/hypr/mocha.conf | 77 ++++
.config/hypr/shaders/chromatic_abberation.frag | 24 +
.config/hypr/shaders/crt.frag | 511 +++++++++++++++++++++
.config/hypr/shaders/drugs.frag | 42 ++
.config/hypr/shaders/extradark.frag | 21 +
.config/hypr/shaders/invert.frag | 13 +
.config/hypr/shaders/solarized.frag | 41 ++
16 files changed, 1162 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/conf/autostart.conf
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/conf/keybinds.conf
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/conf/monitor.conf
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/conf/sound_brightness_notifications.conf
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/conf/windowrules.conf
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/hyprland.conf
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/hyprlock.conf
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/hyprpaper.conf
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/hyprshade.toml
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/mocha.conf
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/shaders/chromatic_abberation.frag
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/shaders/crt.frag
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/shaders/drugs.frag
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/shaders/extradark.frag
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/shaders/invert.frag
create mode 100644 .config/hypr/shaders/solarized.frag
diff --git a/.config/hypr/conf/autostart.conf b/.config/hypr/conf/autostart.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8792f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/conf/autostart.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# See
+# autostart
+# Setup XDG for screen sharing
+exec-once = ~/.local/bin/
+# Polkit
+exec-once = /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1
+# Sway Notification Center
+exec-once = swaync
+# Polybar
+exec-once = waybar
+# Dropbox
+exec-once = nextcloud --background
+# Clipboard Manager
+exec-once = copyq --start-server
+# Wallpaper
+exec-once = hyprpaper
+# Daily Reminders
+exec-once = remind -z -k'notify-send --app-name="remind" --icon="fcitx-remind-active" "⏰ reminder!" "%s" &' ~/.reminders
+# Start playerctl daemon, spotify/youtube etc. binder
+exec-once = playerctld daemon
+# For hyprshade scheduling, f.lux
+exec-once = dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE
+exec-once = hyprshade auto
+# Network Manager Applet
+exec-once = nm-applet
+# Cursor
+exec-once = hyprctl setcursor capitaine-cursors-light 28
diff --git a/.config/hypr/conf/keybinds.conf b/.config/hypr/conf/keybinds.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ea1a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/conf/keybinds.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Key bindings
+# See
+$mainMod = SUPER
+$terminal = kitty
+$fileManager = thunar
+$menu = tofi-drun | xargs hyprctl dispatch exec --
+# Applications
+bind = $mainMod+SHIFT, code:41, exec, $fileManager # f
+bind = $mainMod, RETURN, exec, $terminal
+bind = $mainMod, code:71, exec, $HOME/.local/bin/mailsync # f5
+bind = ,code:118, exec, copyq menu # ins
+bind = $mainMod, 0, exec, swaync-client --hide-latest
+bind = $mainMod+SHIFT, 0, exec, swaync-client -t
+bindr = SUPER+SHIFT, escape, exec, $HOME/.local/bin/
+bindr = $mainMod, code:42, exec, $HOME/.local/bin/done # g
+bindr = $mainMod, code:30, exec, $HOME/.local/bin/bukuadd_c # u
+bindr = $mainMod, code:35, exec, $HOME/.local/bin/td # ]
+bind = $mainMod+SHIFT, code:24, killactive, # q
+bind = $mainMod, code:55, togglefloating, # v
+bind = $mainMod, code:40, exec, $menu # d
+bind = $mainMod, code:27, pseudo, # p, dwindle
+bind = $mainMod, code:26, togglesplit, # e, dwindle
+bind = $mainMod, code:41, fullscreen, 2 # f
+bindl = , XF86AudioPlay, exec, playerctl play-pause
+bindl = , XF86AudioNext, exec, playerctl next
+bindl = , XF86AudioPrev, exec, playerctl previous
+# Screenshots:
+# Super+P: Current window
+# Super+Shift+p: Select area
+# Super+Alt+p Current output
+# Super+Ctrl+p All outputs
+# Optionally, customize slurp's appearance
+env = SLURP_ARGS, -d -B F050F022 -b 10101022 -c ff00ff
+bind = ,Print, exec, ~/.local/bin/
+bind = SHIFT, Print, exec, grimblast copy area
+# Move focus
+bind = $mainMod, code:43, movefocus, l
+bind = $mainMod, code:44, movefocus, d
+bind = $mainMod, code:45, movefocus, u
+bind = $mainMod, code:46, movefocus, r
+# Move window
+bind = $mainMod+SHIFT, code:43, movewindow, l
+bind = $mainMod+SHIFT, code:44, movewindow, d
+bind = $mainMod+SHIFT, code:45, movewindow, u
+bind = $mainMod+SHIFT, code:46, movewindow, r
+# Switch workspaces with mainMod + [0-9]
+bind = $mainMod, 1, workspace, 1
+bind = $mainMod, 2, workspace, 2
+bind = $mainMod, 3, workspace, 3
+bind = $mainMod, 4, workspace, 4
+bind = $mainMod, 5, workspace, 5
+bind = $mainMod, 6, workspace, 6
+bind = $mainMod, 7, workspace, 7
+bind = $mainMod, 8, workspace, 8
+bind = $mainMod, 9, workspace, 9
+bind = $mainMod, code:21, workspace, name:browser
+bind = $mainMod, code:49, workspace, name:zotero
+bind = $mainMod, code:60, workspace, name:desktop
+bind = $mainMod, code:59, workspace, name:console
+bind = $mainMod, code:58, workspace, name:music
+# Example special workspace (scratchpad)
+bind = $mainMod, code:20, togglespecialworkspace, magic # -
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, code:20, movetoworkspace, special:magic
+# Move active window to a workspace with mainMod + SHIFT + [0-9]
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 1, movetoworkspace, 1
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 2, movetoworkspace, 2
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 3, movetoworkspace, 3
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 4, movetoworkspace, 4
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 5, movetoworkspace, 5
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 6, movetoworkspace, 6
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 7, movetoworkspace, 7
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 8, movetoworkspace, 8
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 9, movetoworkspace, 9
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, code:21, movetoworkspace, name:browser
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, code:49, movetoworkspace, name:zotero
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, code:60, movetoworkspace, name:desktop
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, code:59, movetoworkspace, name:console
+bind = $mainMod SHIFT, code:58, movetoworkspace, name:music
+# Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging
+bindm = $mainMod, mouse:272, movewindow
+bindm = $mainMod, mouse:273, resizewindow
diff --git a/.config/hypr/conf/monitor.conf b/.config/hypr/conf/monitor.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e04dfb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/conf/monitor.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# qualle monitor
+# # autoconfig any additional monitor
diff --git a/.config/hypr/conf/sound_brightness_notifications.conf b/.config/hypr/conf/sound_brightness_notifications.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e198237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/conf/sound_brightness_notifications.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+bind = , XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, lightctl up
+bind = , XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, lightctl down
+bindl = , XF86AudioMicMute, exec, volumectl -m toggle-mute
+bindl = , XF86AudioMute, exec, volumectl toggle-mute
+bindle = , XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, volumectl -u up
+bindle = , XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, volumectl -u down
+exec-once = avizo-service
diff --git a/.config/hypr/conf/windowrules.conf b/.config/hypr/conf/windowrules.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..178a1bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/conf/windowrules.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# See
+windowrulev2 = suppressevent maximize, class:.*
+# polkit auth agent
+windowrulev2 = float, class:org.kde.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1
+# yad
+windowrulev2 = float, class:yad
+# Libre Office
+windowrulev2 = size 800 600, class:soffice,title:Export
+# Blueman
+windowrulev2 = float,class:^(blueman-manager)$
+# NetworkManager
+windowrulev2 = float,class:^(nm-connection-editor)$
+# Pavucontrol
+windowrulev2 = float,class:^(org.pulseaudio.pavucontrol)$
+windowrulev2 = size 800 600,class:^(org.pulseaudio.pavucontrol)$
+# copyq
+windowrulev2 = float, class:com.github.hluk.copyq
+windowrulev2 = noborder, class:com.github.hluk.copyq
+windowrulev2 = noblur, class:com.github.hluk.copyq
+windowrulev2 = dimaround, class:com.github.hluk.copyq
+windowrulev2 = move 70% 10%, class:com.github.hluk.copyq
+# Firefox
+windowrulev2 = workspace name:browser silent, class:firefox
+# Browser Picture in Picture
+windowrulev2 = float, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$
+windowrulev2 = pin, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$
+windowrulev2 = move 72% 40%, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$
+windowrulev2 = size 520 390, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$
+# Discord Popout
+windowrulev2 = float, title:^(Discord Popout)$
+windowrulev2 = pin, title:^(Discord Popout)$
+windowrulev2 = move 72% 40%, title:^(Discord Popout)$
+windowrulev2 = size 573 354, title:^(Discord Popout)$
+# Xwaylandvideobridge
+windowrulev2 = opacity 0.0 override,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$
+windowrulev2 = noanim,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$
+windowrulev2 = noinitialfocus,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$
+windowrulev2 = maxsize 1 1,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$
+windowrulev2 = noblur,class:^(xwaylandvideobridge)$
+# Zotero
+windowrulev2 = workspace name:zotero silent, class:Zotero
+windowrulev2 = float, class:^(Zotero)$,title:^(Progress)$
+windowrulev2 = noinitialfocus, class:^(Zotero)$,title:^(Progress)$
+windowrulev2 = move 1579 954, class:^(Zotero)$,title:^(Progress)$
+windowrulev2 = size 300 72, class:^(Zotero)$,title:^(Progress)$
+windowrulev2 = size 445 195, class:^(Zotero)$,title:^(New Collection)$
+# Thunar
+windowrulev2 = float, class:^(Thunar)$,title:^(File Operation Progress)$
+windowrulev2 = noinitialfocus, class:^(Thunar)$,title:^(File Operation Progress)$
+windowrulev2 = size 505 100, class:^(Thunar)$,title:^(File Operation Progress)$
+# Spotify
+windowrulev2 = workspace name:music silent, class:^(Spotify)$
diff --git a/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf b/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be97aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# hyprland config
+source = ~/.config/hypr/conf/monitor.conf
+source = ~/.config/hypr/conf/autostart.conf
+source = ~/.config/hypr/conf/keybinds.conf
+source = ~/.config/hypr/conf/sound_brightness_notifications.conf
+source = ~/.config/hypr/conf/windowrules.conf
+# Some default env vars.
+env = GDK_BACKEND,wayland,x11,*
+env = QT_QPA_PLATFORM,wayland;xcb
+env = CLUTTER_BACKEND,wayland
+env = XDG_SESSION_TYPE,wayland
+env = QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR,1 - (From the Qt documentation) enables automatic scaling, based on the monitor’s pixel density
+env = QT_QPA_PLATFORM,wayland;xcb - Tell Qt applications to use the Wayland backend, and fall back to x11 if Wayland is unavailable
+env = QT_WAYLAND_DISABLE_WINDOWDECORATION,1 - Disables window decorations on Qt applications
+env = QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME,qt5ct - Tells Qt based applications to pick your theme from qt5ct, use with Kvantum.
+env = XCURSOR_SIZE,24
+env = QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME,qt6ct # change to qt6ct if you have that
+env = SEMESTER_THEME,you got this
+# For all categories, see
+input {
+ kb_layout = us
+ kb_variant = colemak
+ kb_model =
+ kb_options =
+ kb_rules =
+ numlock_by_default = true
+ follow_mouse = 1
+ touchpad {
+ natural_scroll = true
+ }
+ sensitivity = 0 # -1.0 - 1.0, 0 means no modification.
+general {
+ # See
+ gaps_in = 3
+ gaps_out = 6
+ border_size = 2
+ col.active_border = rgba(33ccffee) rgba(00ff99ee) 45deg
+ col.inactive_border = rgba(595959aa)
+ layout = dwindle
+ # Please see before you turn this on
+ allow_tearing = false
+decoration {
+ # See
+ rounding = 0
+ blur {
+ enabled = true
+ size = 20
+ passes = 1
+ }
+ drop_shadow = yes
+ shadow_range = 4
+ shadow_render_power = 3
+ col.shadow = rgba(1a1a1aee)
+animations {
+ enabled = yes
+ # Some default animations, see
+ bezier = myBezier, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.05
+ animation = windows, 1, 7, myBezier
+ animation = windowsOut, 1, 7, default, popin 80%
+ animation = border, 1, 10, default
+ animation = borderangle, 1, 8, default
+ animation = fade, 1, 7, default
+ animation = workspaces, 1, 6, default
+dwindle {
+ # See
+ pseudotile = yes # master switch for pseudotiling. Enabling is bound to mainMod + P in the keybinds section below
+ preserve_split = yes # you probably want this
+master {
+ # See
+ new_status = master
+gestures {
+ # See
+ workspace_swipe = on
+misc {
+ # See
+ force_default_wallpaper = 0 # Set to 0 or 1 to disable the anime mascot wallpapers
+binds {
+ workspace_back_and_forth = true
+exec-once=dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP #
diff --git a/.config/hypr/hyprlock.conf b/.config/hypr/hyprlock.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa8ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/hyprlock.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+source = $HOME/.config/hypr/mocha.conf
+$accent = $mauve
+$accentAlpha = $mauveAlpha
+$font = Iosevka Aile
+general {
+ disable_loading_bar = true
+ hide_cursor = true
+background {
+ monitor =
+ path = $HOME/desk/pics/lockscreen.jpg
+ blur_passes = 0
+ color = $base
+label {
+ monitor =
+ text = $TIME
+ color = $text
+ font_size = 90
+ font_family = $font
+ position = -30, 0
+ halign = right
+ valign = top
+label {
+ monitor =
+ text = cmd[update:43200000] date +"%A, %d %B %Y"
+ color = $text
+ font_size = 25
+ font_family = $font
+ position = -30, -150
+ halign = right
+ valign = top
+image {
+ monitor =
+ path = $HOME/desk/pics/big_cat_hi.jpeg
+ size = 100
+ border_color = $accent
+ position = 0, 75
+ halign = center
+ valign = center
+input-field {
+ monitor =
+ size = 300, 60
+ outline_thickness = 4
+ dots_size = 0.2
+ dots_spacing = 0.2
+ dots_center = true
+ outer_color = $accent
+ inner_color = $surface0
+ font_color = $text
+ fade_on_empty = false
+ placeholder_text = logged in as $USER
+ hide_input = false
+ check_color = $accent
+ fail_color = $red
+ fail_text = $FAIL ($ATTEMPTS)
+ capslock_color = $yellow
+ position = 0, -47
+ halign = center
+ valign = center
+label {
+ monitor =
+ text = no place like home
+ color = $text_color
+ font_size = 20
+ font_family = $font_family
+ position = 30, -30
+ halign = left
+ valign = top
diff --git a/.config/hypr/hyprpaper.conf b/.config/hypr/hyprpaper.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd3aa91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/hyprpaper.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+preload = $HOME/desk/pics/vodka_fareler.jpg
+preload = /home/yigit/desk/pics/lightcircle.jpg
+wallpaper = eDP-1,$HOME/desk/pics/vodka_fareler.jpg
+wallpaper = HDMI-A-1,$HOME/desk/pics/lightcircle.jpg
+splash = false
diff --git a/.config/hypr/hyprshade.toml b/.config/hypr/hyprshade.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8024e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/hyprshade.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+name = "blue-light-filter"
+start_time = 19:00:00
+end_time = 06:00:00
diff --git a/.config/hypr/mocha.conf b/.config/hypr/mocha.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b80922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/mocha.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+$rosewater = rgb(f5e0dc)
+$rosewaterAlpha = f5e0dc
+$flamingo = rgb(f2cdcd)
+$flamingoAlpha = f2cdcd
+$pink = rgb(f5c2e7)
+$pinkAlpha = f5c2e7
+$mauve = rgb(cba6f7)
+$mauveAlpha = cba6f7
+$red = rgb(f38ba8)
+$redAlpha = f38ba8
+$maroon = rgb(eba0ac)
+$maroonAlpha = eba0ac
+$peach = rgb(fab387)
+$peachAlpha = fab387
+$yellow = rgb(f9e2af)
+$yellowAlpha = f9e2af
+$green = rgb(a6e3a1)
+$greenAlpha = a6e3a1
+$teal = rgb(94e2d5)
+$tealAlpha = 94e2d5
+$sky = rgb(89dceb)
+$skyAlpha = 89dceb
+$sapphire = rgb(74c7ec)
+$sapphireAlpha = 74c7ec
+$blue = rgb(89b4fa)
+$blueAlpha = 89b4fa
+$lavender = rgb(b4befe)
+$lavenderAlpha = b4befe
+$text = rgb(cdd6f4)
+$textAlpha = cdd6f4
+$subtext1 = rgb(bac2de)
+$subtext1Alpha = bac2de
+$subtext0 = rgb(a6adc8)
+$subtext0Alpha = a6adc8
+$overlay2 = rgb(9399b2)
+$overlay2Alpha = 9399b2
+$overlay1 = rgb(7f849c)
+$overlay1Alpha = 7f849c
+$overlay0 = rgb(6c7086)
+$overlay0Alpha = 6c7086
+$surface2 = rgb(585b70)
+$surface2Alpha = 585b70
+$surface1 = rgb(45475a)
+$surface1Alpha = 45475a
+$surface0 = rgb(313244)
+$surface0Alpha = 313244
+$base = rgb(1e1e2e)
+$baseAlpha = 1e1e2e
+$mantle = rgb(181825)
+$mantleAlpha = 181825
+$crust = rgb(11111b)
+$crustAlpha = 11111b
diff --git a/.config/hypr/shaders/chromatic_abberation.frag b/.config/hypr/shaders/chromatic_abberation.frag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5389241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/shaders/chromatic_abberation.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// vim: set ft=glsl:
+precision highp float;
+varying highp vec2 v_texcoord;
+uniform highp sampler2D tex;
+#define STRENGTH 0.0027
+void main() {
+ vec2 center = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
+ vec2 offset = (v_texcoord - center) * STRENGTH;
+ float rSquared = dot(offset, offset);
+ float distortion = 1.0 + 1.0 * rSquared;
+ vec2 distortedOffset = offset * distortion;
+ vec2 redOffset = vec2(distortedOffset.x, distortedOffset.y);
+ vec2 blueOffset = vec2(distortedOffset.x, distortedOffset.y);
+ vec4 redColor = texture2D(tex, v_texcoord + redOffset);
+ vec4 blueColor = texture2D(tex, v_texcoord + blueOffset);
+ gl_FragColor = vec4(redColor.r, texture2D(tex, v_texcoord).g, blueColor.b, 1.0);
diff --git a/.config/hypr/shaders/crt.frag b/.config/hypr/shaders/crt.frag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a37ff9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/shaders/crt.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+#version 100
+precision highp float;
+varying highp vec2 v_texcoord;
+varying highp vec3 v_pos;
+uniform highp sampler2D tex;
+uniform lowp float time;
+#define BORDER_COLOR vec4(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0) // black border
+#define BORDER_RADIUS 1.0 // larger vignette radius
+#define BORDER_SIZE 0.01 // small border size
+#define DENOISE_INTENSITY 0.0001 //
+#define DISTORTION_AMOUNT 0.00 // moderate distortion amount
+#define HDR_BLOOM 0.75 // bloom intensity
+#define HDR_BRIGHTNESS 0.011 // brightness
+#define HDR_CONTRAST 0.011 // contrast
+#define HDR_SATURATION 1.0// saturation
+#define NOISE_THRESHOLD 0.0001
+#define PHOSPHOR_BLUR_AMOUNT 0.77 // Amount of blur for phosphor glow
+#define PHOSPHOR_GLOW_AMOUNT 0.77 // Amount of phosphor glow
+#define SAMPLING_RADIUS 0.0001
+#define SCANLINE_THICKNESS 0.0507
+#define SCANLINE_TIME time * 471.24
+#define SHARPNESS 0.25
+#define VIGNETTE_RADIUS 0.0 // larger vignette radius
+#define PI 3.14159265359
+#define TWOPI 6.28318530718
+vec2 applyBarrelDistortion(vec2 coord, float amt) {
+ vec2 p = coord.xy / vec2(1.0);
+ vec2 v = p * 2.0 - vec2(1.0);
+ float r = dot(v, v);
+ float k = 1.0 + pow(r, 2.0) * pow(amt, 2.0);
+ vec2 result = v * k;
+ return vec2(0.5, 0.5) + 0.5 * result.xy;
+vec4 applyColorCorrection(vec4 color) {
+ color.rgb *= vec3(1.0, 0.79, 0.89);
+ return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
+vec4 applyBorder(vec2 tc, vec4 color, float borderSize, vec4 borderColor) {
+ float dist_x = min(tc.x, 1.0 - tc.x);
+ float dist_y = min(tc.y, 1.0 - tc.y);
+ float dist = min(dist_x, dist_y) * -1.0;
+ float border = smoothstep(borderSize, 0.0, dist);
+ border += smoothstep(borderSize, 0.0, dist);
+ return mix(color, borderColor, border);
+vec4 applyFakeHDR(vec4 color, float brightness, float contrast, float saturation, float bloom) {
+ color.rgb = (color.rgb - vec3(0.5)) * exp2(brightness) + vec3(0.5);
+ vec3 crtfactor = vec3(1.05, 0.92, 1.0);
+ color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, crtfactor);
+ // // NTSC
+ // vec3 lumCoeff = vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
+ // // BT.709
+ // vec3 lumCoeff = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
+ // BT.2020
+ vec3 lumCoeff = vec3(0.2627, 0.6780, 0.0593);
+ // // Warm NTSC
+ // vec3 lumCoeff = vec3(0.2125, 0.7010, 0.0865);
+ float luminance = dot(color.rgb, lumCoeff);
+ luminance = pow(luminance, 2.2);
+ color.rgb = mix(vec3(luminance), color.rgb, saturation);
+ color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, vec3(1.0), pow(max(0.0, luminance - 1.0 + bloom), 4.0));
+ return color;
+vec4 applyVignette(vec4 color) {
+ vec2 center = vec2(0.5, 0.5); // center of screen
+ float radius = VIGNETTE_RADIUS; // radius of vignette effect
+ float softness = 1.0; // softness of vignette effect
+ float intensity = 0.7; // intensity of vignette effect
+ vec2 offset = v_texcoord - center; // offset from center of screen
+ float distance = length(offset); // distance from center of screen
+ float alpha = smoothstep(radius, radius - radius * softness, distance) * intensity; // calculate alpha value for vignette effect
+ return mix(vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha), color, alpha); // mix black with color using calculated alpha value
+vec4 applyPhosphorGlow(vec2 tc, vec4 color, sampler2D tex) {
+ // Calculate average color value of the texture
+ vec4 texelColor = color;
+ float averageColor = (texelColor.r + texelColor.g + texelColor.b) / 3.0;
+ // Determine brightness-dependent color factor
+ float factor = mix(
+ mix(0.09,
+ mix(0.005, 0.0075, (averageColor - 0.1) / 0.1),
+ step(0.01, averageColor)), 0.0005,
+ step(0.02, averageColor));
+ // Apply phosphor glow effect
+ vec4 sum = vec4(0.0);
+ vec4 pixels[9];
+ pixels[0] = texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(0.001, 0.001));
+ pixels[1] = texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(0.001, 0.0));
+ pixels[2] = texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(0.001, -0.001));
+ pixels[3] = texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(0.0, 0.001));
+ pixels[4] = texture2D(tex, tc);
+ pixels[5] = texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0.001, 0.001));
+ pixels[6] = texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0.001, 0.0));
+ pixels[7] = texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0.001, -0.001));
+ pixels[8] = texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0.0, 0.001));
+// Perform operations on input pixels in parallel
+ sum = pixels[0]
+ + pixels[1]
+ + pixels[2]
+ + pixels[3]
+ + pixels[4]
+ + pixels[5]
+ + pixels[6]
+ + pixels[7]
+ + pixels[8];
+ sum /= 9.0;
+ sum += texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(0.01, 0.01)) * 0.001;
+ sum += texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(0.0, 0.01)) * 0.001;
+ sum += texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(-0.01, 0.01)) * 0.001;
+ sum += texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(0.01, 0.0)) * 0.001;
+ sum += color * PHOSPHOR_BLUR_AMOUNT;
+ sum += texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(-0.01, 0.0)) * 0.001;
+ sum += texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(0.01, -0.01)) * 0.001;
+ sum += texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(0.0, -0.01)) * 0.001;
+ sum += texture2D(tex, tc - vec2(-0.01, -0.01)) * 0.001;
+ // Initialize sum_sum_factor to zero
+ vec4 sum_sum_factor = vec4(0.0);
+ // Compute sum_j for i = -1
+ vec4 sum_j = vec4(0.0);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(-1, -1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0, -1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(1, -1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(-1, 0) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0, 0) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(1, 0) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(-1, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(1, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_sum_factor += sum_j * vec4(0.011);
+ // Compute sum_j for i = 0
+ sum_j = vec4(0.0);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(-1, 0) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0, 0) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(1, 0) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(-1, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(1, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_sum_factor += sum_j * vec4(0.011);
+ // Compute sum_j for i = 1
+ sum_j = vec4(0.0);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(-1, 0) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(1, 0) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(-1, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(0, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_j += texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(1, 1) * 0.01);
+ sum_sum_factor += sum_j * vec4(0.011);
+ color += mix(sum_sum_factor * sum_sum_factor * vec4(factor), sum, 0.5);
+ return color;
+vec4 applyAdaptiveSharpen(vec2 tc, vec4 color, sampler2D tex) {
+ vec4 color_tl = texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(-1.0, -1.0) * 0.5 / 2160.0);
+ vec4 color_tr = texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(1.0, -1.0) * 0.5 / 2160.0);
+ vec4 color_bl = texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(-1.0, 1.0) * 0.5 / 2160.0);
+ vec4 color_br = texture2D(tex, tc + vec2(1.0, 1.0) * 0.5 / 2160.0);
+ float sharpness = SHARPNESS;
+ vec3 color_no_alpha = color.rgb;
+ vec3 color_tl_no_alpha = color_tl.rgb;
+ vec3 color_tr_no_alpha = color_tr.rgb;
+ vec3 color_bl_no_alpha = color_bl.rgb;
+ vec3 color_br_no_alpha = color_br.rgb;
+ float delta = (dot(color_no_alpha, vec3(0.333333)) + dot(color_tl_no_alpha, vec3(0.333333)) + dot(color_tr_no_alpha, vec3(0.333333)) + dot(color_bl_no_alpha, vec3(0.333333)) + dot(color_br_no_alpha, vec3(0.333333))) * 0.2 - dot(color_no_alpha, vec3(0.333333));
+ vec3 sharp_color_no_alpha = color_no_alpha + min(vec3(0.0), vec3(delta * sharpness));
+ vec4 sharp_color = vec4(sharp_color_no_alpha, color.a);
+ return sharp_color;
+vec4 applyScanlines(vec2 tc, vec4 color) {
+ float scanline = (cos(tc.y * SCANLINE_FREQUENCY + SCANLINE_TIME) *
+ float alpha = clamp(1.0 - abs(scanline), 0.0, 1.0);
+ return vec4(color.rgb * alpha, color.a);
+vec4 applyChromaticAberration(vec2 uv, vec4 color) {
+ vec2 center = vec2(0.5, 0.5); // center of the screen
+ vec2 offset = (uv - center) * CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_STRENGTH; // calculate the offset from the center
+ // apply lens distortion
+ float rSquared = dot(offset, offset);
+ float distortion = 1.0 + LENS_DISTORTION_AMOUNT * rSquared;
+ vec2 distortedOffset = offset * distortion;
+ // apply chromatic aberration
+ vec2 redOffset = vec2(distortedOffset.x * 1.00, distortedOffset.y * 1.00);
+ vec2 blueOffset = vec2(distortedOffset.x * 1.00, distortedOffset.y * 1.00);
+ vec4 redColor = texture2D(tex, uv + redOffset);
+ vec4 blueColor = texture2D(tex, uv + blueOffset);
+ vec4 result = vec4(redColor.r, color.g, blueColor.b, color.a);
+ return result;
+vec4 reduceGlare(vec4 color) {
+ // Calculate the intensity of the color by taking the average of the RGB components
+ float intensity = (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0;
+ // Set the maximum intensity that can be considered for glare
+ float maxIntensity = 0.98;
+ // Use smoothstep to create a smooth transition from no glare to full glare
+ // based on the intensity of the color and the maximum intensity
+ float glareIntensity = smoothstep(maxIntensity - 0.02, maxIntensity, intensity);
+ // Set the amount of glare to apply to the color
+ float glareAmount = 0.02;
+ // Mix the original color with the reduced color that has glare applied to it
+ vec3 reducedColor = mix(color.rgb, vec3(glareIntensity), glareAmount);
+ // Return the reduced color with the original alpha value
+ return vec4(reducedColor, color.a);
+// Apply a fake HDR effect to the input color.
+// Parameters:
+// - inputColor: the color to apply the effect to.
+// - brightness: the brightness of the image. Should be a value between 0 and 1.
+// - contrast: the contrast of the image. Should be a value between 0 and 1.
+// - saturation: the saturation of the image. Should be a value between 0 and 2.
+// - bloom: the intensity of the bloom effect. Should be a value between 0 and 1.
+vec4 applyFakeHDREffect(vec4 inputColor, float brightness, float contrast, float saturation, float bloom) {
+ const float minBrightness = 0.0;
+ const float maxBrightness = 1.0;
+ const float minContrast = 0.0;
+ const float maxContrast = 1.0;
+ const float minSaturation = 0.0;
+ const float maxSaturation = 2.0;
+ const float minBloom = 0.0;
+ const float maxBloom = 1.0;
+ // Check input parameters for validity
+ if (brightness < minBrightness || brightness > maxBrightness) {
+ return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Return black with alpha of 1.0 to indicate error
+ }
+ if (contrast < minContrast || contrast > maxContrast) {
+ return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ if (saturation < minSaturation || saturation > maxSaturation) {
+ return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ if (bloom < minBloom || bloom > maxBloom) {
+ return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ // Apply brightness and contrast
+ vec3 color = inputColor.rgb;
+ color = (color - vec3(0.5)) * exp2(brightness * 10.0) + vec3(0.5);
+ color = mix(vec3(0.5), color, pow(contrast * 4.0 + 1.0, 2.0));
+ // // NTSC
+ // vec3 lumCoeff = vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
+ // // BT.709
+ // vec3 lumCoeff = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
+ // // BT.2020
+ // vec3 lumCoeff = vec3(0.2627, 0.6780, 0.0593);
+ // Warm NTSC
+ vec3 lumCoeff = vec3(0.2125, 0.7010, 0.0865);
+ // Apply saturation
+ float luminance = dot(color, lumCoeff);
+ vec3 grey = vec3(luminance);
+ color = mix(grey, color, saturation);
+ // Apply bloom effect
+ float threshold = 1.0 - bloom;
+ vec3 bloomColor = max(color - threshold, vec3(0.0));
+ bloomColor = pow(bloomColor, vec3(2.0));
+ bloomColor = mix(vec3(0.0), bloomColor, pow(min(luminance, threshold), 4.0));
+ color += bloomColor;
+ return vec4(color, inputColor.a);
+vec4 bilateralFilter(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, vec4 color, float sampleRadius, float noiseThreshold, float intensity) {
+ vec4 filteredColor = vec4(0.0);
+ float totalWeight = 0.0;
+ // Top-left pixel
+ vec4 sample = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2(-1.0, -1.0));
+ float dist = length(vec2(-1.0, -1.0));
+ float colorDist = length(sample - color);
+ float weight = exp(-0.5 * (dist * dist + colorDist * colorDist * intensity) / (sampleRadius * sampleRadius));
+ filteredColor += sample * weight;
+ totalWeight += weight;
+ // Top pixel
+ sample = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2(0.0, -1.0));
+ dist = length(vec2(0.0, -1.0));
+ colorDist = length(sample - color);
+ weight = exp(-0.5 * (dist * dist + colorDist * colorDist * intensity) / (sampleRadius * sampleRadius));
+ filteredColor += sample * weight;
+ totalWeight += weight;
+ // Top-right pixel
+ sample = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2(1.0, -1.0));
+ dist = length(vec2(1.0, -1.0));
+ colorDist = length(sample - color);
+ weight = exp(-0.5 * (dist * dist + colorDist * colorDist * intensity) / (sampleRadius * sampleRadius));
+ filteredColor += sample * weight;
+ totalWeight += weight;
+ // Left pixel
+ sample = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2(-1.0, 0.0));
+ dist = length(vec2(-1.0, 0.0));
+ colorDist = length(sample - color);
+ weight = exp(-0.5 * (dist * dist + colorDist * colorDist * intensity) / (sampleRadius * sampleRadius));
+ filteredColor += sample * weight;
+ totalWeight += weight;
+ // Center pixel
+ sample = texture2D(tex, uv);
+ dist = 0.0;
+ colorDist = length(sample - color);
+ weight = exp(-0.5 * (dist * dist + colorDist * colorDist * intensity) / (sampleRadius * sampleRadius));
+ filteredColor += sample * weight;
+ totalWeight += weight;
+ // Right pixel
+ sample = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2(1.0, 0.0));
+ dist = length(vec2(1.0, 0.0));
+ colorDist = length(sample - color);
+ weight = exp(-0.5 * (dist * dist + colorDist * colorDist * intensity) / (sampleRadius * sampleRadius));
+ filteredColor += sample * weight;
+ totalWeight += weight;
+ // Bottom-left pixel
+ sample = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2(-1.0, 1.0));
+ dist = length(vec2(-1.0, 1.0));
+ colorDist = length(sample - color);
+ weight = exp(-0.5 * (dist * dist + colorDist * colorDist * intensity) / (sampleRadius * sampleRadius));
+ filteredColor += sample * weight;
+ totalWeight += weight;
+// Bottom pixel
+ sample = texture2D(tex, uv + vec2(0.0, sampleRadius));
+ dist = length(vec2(0.0, sampleRadius));
+ colorDist = length(sample - color);
+ weight = exp(-0.5 * (dist * dist + colorDist * colorDist * intensity) / (sampleRadius * sampleRadius));
+ filteredColor += sample * weight;
+ totalWeight += weight;
+ filteredColor /= totalWeight;
+ return mix(color, filteredColor, step(noiseThreshold, length(filteredColor - color)));
+vec4 supersample(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, float sampleRadius, float noiseThreshold, float intensity) {
+ float radiusSq = sampleRadius * sampleRadius;
+ vec2 poissonDisk;
+ vec4 color = vec4(0.0);
+ float r1_0 = sqrt(0.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_0 = fract(1.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_0 = TWOPI * r2_0;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_0 * cos(theta_0), r1_0 * sin(theta_0));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_1 = sqrt(1.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_1 = fract(2.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_1 = TWOPI * r2_1;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_1 * cos(theta_1), r1_1 * sin(theta_1));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_2 = sqrt(2.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_2 = fract(3.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_2 = TWOPI * r2_2;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_2 * cos(theta_2), r1_2 * sin(theta_2));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_3 = sqrt(3.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_3 = fract(4.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_3 = TWOPI * r2_3;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_3 * cos(theta_3), r1_3 * sin(theta_3));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_4 = sqrt(4.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_4 = fract(5.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_4 = TWOPI * r2_4;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_4 * cos(theta_4), r1_4 * sin(theta_4));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_5 = sqrt(5.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_5 = fract(6.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_5 = TWOPI * r2_5;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_5 * cos(theta_5), r1_5 * sin(theta_5));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_6 = sqrt(6.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_6 = fract(7.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_6 = TWOPI * r2_6;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_6 * cos(theta_6), r1_6 * sin(theta_6));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_7 = sqrt(7.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_7 = fract(8.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_7 = TWOPI * r2_7;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_7 * cos(theta_7), r1_7 * sin(theta_7));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_8 = sqrt(8.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_8 = fract(9.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_8 = TWOPI * r2_8;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_8 * cos(theta_8), r1_8 * sin(theta_8));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_9 = sqrt(9.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_9 = fract(10.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_9 = TWOPI * r2_9;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_9 * cos(theta_9), r1_9 * sin(theta_9));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_10 = sqrt(10.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_10 = fract(11.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_10 = TWOPI * r2_10;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_10 * cos(theta_10), r1_10 * sin(theta_10));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_11 = sqrt(11.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_11 = fract(12.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_11 = TWOPI * r2_11;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_11 * cos(theta_11), r1_11 * sin(theta_11));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_12 = sqrt(12.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_12 = fract(13.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_12 = TWOPI * r2_12;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_12 * cos(theta_12), r1_12 * sin(theta_12));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_13 = sqrt(13.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_13 = fract(14.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_13 = TWOPI * r2_13;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_13 * cos(theta_13), r1_13 * sin(theta_13));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_14 = sqrt(14.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_14 = fract(15.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_14 = TWOPI * r2_14;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_14 * cos(theta_14), r1_14 * sin(theta_14));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ float r1_15 = sqrt(15.0 / 16.0);
+ float r2_15 = fract(16.0 / 3.0);
+ float theta_15 = TWOPI * r2_15;
+ poissonDisk = vec2(r1_15 * cos(theta_15), r1_15 * sin(theta_15));
+ color += texture2D(tex, uv + poissonDisk * sampleRadius);
+ return bilateralFilter(tex, uv, color, sampleRadius, noiseThreshold, intensity);
+void main() {
+ vec2 tc_no_dist = v_texcoord;
+ vec2 tc = applyBarrelDistortion(tc_no_dist, DISTORTION_AMOUNT);
+ // [-1, 1]
+ vec2 tc_no_dist_symmetric = tc_no_dist * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ // [0,1]
+ vec2 tc_no_dist_normalized = (tc_no_dist_symmetric + 1.0) / 2.0;
+ // vec4 color = texture2D(tex, tc);
+ vec4 color = supersample(tex, tc, SAMPLING_RADIUS, NOISE_THRESHOLD, DENOISE_INTENSITY);
+ color = applyAdaptiveSharpen(tc, color, tex);
+ color = applyPhosphorGlow(tc, color, tex);
+ color = reduceGlare(color);
+ color = mix(applyFakeHDREffect(color, HDR_BRIGHTNESS, HDR_CONTRAST, HDR_SATURATION, HDR_BLOOM), color, 0.5);
+ color = applyColorCorrection(color);
+ color = mix(applyChromaticAberration(tc, color), color, 0.25);
+ color = mix(color, applyVignette(color), 0.37);
+ color = applyBorder(tc_no_dist_normalized, color, 1.0 - BORDER_SIZE * BORDER_RADIUS, BORDER_COLOR);
+ color = mix(applyBorder(tc, color, BORDER_SIZE, BORDER_COLOR), color, 0.05);
+ color = applyScanlines(tc, color);
+ gl_FragColor = color;
+ gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
diff --git a/.config/hypr/shaders/drugs.frag b/.config/hypr/shaders/drugs.frag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1190ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/shaders/drugs.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+precision highp float;
+varying vec2 v_texcoord;
+uniform sampler2D tex;
+uniform float time;
+void warpco(inout vec2 tc) {
+ tc -= 0.5;
+ tc *= length(tc) * 2.0;
+ tc += 0.5;
+float rand1d(float seed) {
+ return sin(seed*1454.0);
+float rand2d(vec2 co)
+ return fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
+vec3 rgb(in vec2 tc, float freq, float amp, inout vec4 centre) {
+ vec2 off = vec2(1.0/800.0, 0.0) * sin(tc.t * freq + time) * amp;
+ vec2 off2 = vec2(1.0/800.0, 0.0) * sin(tc.t * freq - time * 1.5) * amp;
+ centre = texture2D(tex, tc);
+ return vec3(texture2D(tex, tc-off).r, centre.g, texture2D(tex, tc+off2).b);
+void main() {
+ // vec2 px = 1.0 / textureSize(tex, 0).st;
+ vec2 tc = v_texcoord;
+ warpco(tc);
+ tc = mix(v_texcoord, tc, sin(time * 2.0)*0.07);
+ tc.x += rand2d(floor(tc * 20.0 + floor(time * 2.5))) * 0.01;
+ tc.x += rand1d(floor(tc.x * 40.0)) * 0.005 * rand1d(time * 0.001);
+ tc.y += sin(tc.x + time) * 0.02;
+ vec4 centre;
+ vec3 bent = rgb(tc, 100.0, 5.0, centre);
+ vec3 col = mix(centre.rgb, bent, sin(time));
+ gl_FragColor = vec4(col, centre.a);
+ // gl_FragColor = vec4(texture2D(tex, v_texcoord));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/hypr/shaders/extradark.frag b/.config/hypr/shaders/extradark.frag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089ee81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/shaders/extradark.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// vim: set ft=glsl:
+// blue light filter shader
+// values from
+precision mediump float;
+varying vec2 v_texcoord;
+uniform sampler2D tex;
+void main() {
+ vec4 pixColor = texture2D(tex, v_texcoord);
+ // red
+ pixColor[0] *= 0.7;
+ // green
+ pixColor[1] *= 0.6;
+ // blue
+ pixColor[2] *= 0.5;
+ gl_FragColor = pixColor;
diff --git a/.config/hypr/shaders/invert.frag b/.config/hypr/shaders/invert.frag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..864f718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/shaders/invert.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// vim: set ft=glsl:
+// blue light filter shader
+// values from
+precision mediump float;
+varying vec2 v_texcoord;
+uniform sampler2D tex;
+void main() {
+ vec4 pixColor = texture2D(tex, v_texcoord);
+ pixColor.rgb = 1.0 - pixColor.rgb;
+ gl_FragColor = pixColor;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/hypr/shaders/solarized.frag b/.config/hypr/shaders/solarized.frag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c37f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/hypr/shaders/solarized.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// -*- mode:c -*-
+precision lowp float;
+varying vec2 v_texcoord;
+uniform sampler2D tex;
+float distanceSquared(vec3 pixColor, vec3 solarizedColor) {
+ vec3 distanceVector = pixColor - solarizedColor;
+ return dot(distanceVector, distanceVector);
+void main() {
+ vec3 solarized[16];
+ solarized[0] = vec3(0.,0.169,0.212);
+ solarized[1] = vec3(0.027,0.212,0.259);
+ solarized[2] = vec3(0.345,0.431,0.459);
+ solarized[3] = vec3(0.396,0.482,0.514);
+ solarized[4] = vec3(0.514,0.58,0.588);
+ solarized[5] = vec3(0.576,0.631,0.631);
+ solarized[6] = vec3(0.933,0.91,0.835);
+ solarized[7] = vec3(0.992,0.965,0.89);
+ solarized[8] = vec3(0.71,0.537,0.);
+ solarized[9] = vec3(0.796,0.294,0.086);
+ solarized[10] = vec3(0.863,0.196,0.184);
+ solarized[11] = vec3(0.827,0.212,0.51);
+ solarized[12] = vec3(0.424,0.443,0.769);
+ solarized[13] = vec3(0.149,0.545,0.824);
+ solarized[14] = vec3(0.165,0.631,0.596);
+ solarized[15] = vec3(0.522,0.6,0.);
+ vec3 pixColor = vec3(texture2D(tex, v_texcoord));
+ int closest = 0;
+ float closestDistanceSquared = distanceSquared(pixColor, solarized[0]);
+ for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++) {
+ float newDistanceSquared = distanceSquared(pixColor, solarized[i]);
+ if (newDistanceSquared < closestDistanceSquared) {
+ closest = i;
+ closestDistanceSquared = newDistanceSquared;
+ }
+ }
+ gl_FragColor = vec4(solarized[closest], 1.);
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2