# This is an example PKGBUILD file. Use this as a start to creating your own, # and remove these comments. For more information, see 'man PKGBUILD'. # NOTE: Please fill out the license field for your package! If it is unknown, # then please put 'unknown'. # Maintainer: Kuklin István pkgname=anki-official-binary-bundle pkgver=2.1.57 pkgrel=1 epoch= pkgdesc="The official binary shipped with the tested versions of the dependent libraries." arch=('x86_64') url="https://apps.ankiweb.net" license=('GNU AGPL') groups=() depends=('libxkbcommon-x11') makedepends=() checkdepends=() optdepends=('mpv') provides=('anki') conflicts=('anki' 'anki-git') replaces=() backup=() options=() install=$pkgname.install changelog= topdirname="anki-$pkgver-linux-qt6" source=( "https://github.com/ankitects/anki/releases/download/${pkgver}/${topdirname}.tar.zst" "install_sh.patch" ) noextract=() sha256sums=('5bc110c6f74e41160754aa181aefba2cd0072591ac55081dbcdb115ce05550a3' '991297cb02434d753f55980205a22971ed98655b0f62f0104ae4692155355d8c') validpgpkeys=() prepare() { cd "$srcdir"/"$topdirname" patch install.sh ../install_sh.patch } package() { cd "$topdirname" PREFIX="$pkgdir"/usr/ ./install.sh }